Privacy Policy

How to delete my data completely via Facebook Login?

Facebook SDK data processing and protect policy

1. What data we are using by integrating Facebook SDK?

1) Login related. We integrated Facebook SDK for Facebook users can login our MiniBattle directly and easily. We do not save users’Facebook’s ID and password on our servers, we just invoking sdk’s public-profile.

2) Facebook Ads tracking. MiniBattle will tracking ads result by reading FBSDK profile log to follow install, recharge, active events under Facebook’s authorization.

Announcement: We will deal with data by Facebook SDK under Facebook’s authorization and never share it with third-party friends, and never show them public. Once players apply deleting their data, then all related data will been delete permanently.

2. How to delete my facebook related data from MiniForce?

1) If a player logined our game via Facebook, he want to leave our game and delete the related data completely, he may do below steps:

A) Visit his facebook account and arrive "setting" page;

B) Find "Apps and Websites" option;

C) Find MiniForce and click "Remove" button;

D) Click "View Removed Apps and Websites" button;

E) Find MiniForce and Click "View" button;

F) Click "Send Requests".


Once above steps done and "Send Requests" pressed, all related data in game will been deleted and unrecoverable.

2) If you want to delete other facebook data, you may contact our support engineer by writing to, we will deal with it ASAP upon request.


Once delete request accepted, all your Facebook related data will been deleted permantly. Such as account information, game’s data, recharge history date,…etc.

Updated on Mar, 13, 2023

Pocket River places great importance to your privacy, that is why we designed this page to cover how we collect, use, disclose, and store your information. Please read the following sections to learn about the details.
Data protection for Apps
APP1 When you use the game service, we will collect your game log information, including login log, item log, game match information, friend record, access content, communication time and length, etc., so that you can view it on the client Your game history is also used for game operation statistical analysis, customer service complaint handling and other game security analysis, and to improve your game experience.

APP2 In order to identify the abnormal status of the account, understand the product suitability, maintain the normal operation of basic functions, and implement troubleshooting, we may need to collect the device information you use, including: unique device identifier (IMEI), MAC address, Advertising identifier, Serial, device model, device name, operating system and version, device resolution, device settings, software installation list, software and hardware feature information, device screen size, mobile network information, login IP address, log information, CPU information, software information. In order to collect the above basic personal device information, we will apply for permission to access your device information.
◆ When the application is running, we will obtain your storage permission for necessary caching and reading of data.
◆ In order to complete the video game account registration process, provide you with continuous and stable services, and protect the security of your account, you need to provide us with the following information: mobile phone number, verification code matching result, and create a password. We collect this information for what purpose. You should be aware that the matching result of mobile phone number and verification code is your personal sensitive information, please carefully consider whether to provide it. We will also treat your mobile number and text messages with the utmost care and care (including high-strength encryption protection). We collect this kind of information based on the relevant requirements of laws and regulations. If you refuse to provide it, you may not be able to register a video game account.
◆ If you want to interact with players in the same region in the game, we will obtain your geographic location information to find nearby gamers, so that you can match with nearby players, form teams, etc. Geographic location information is your personal sensitive information, please carefully consider whether to authorize it. We also treat your location information with the utmost care and care (including strong encryption protection). Refusal to provide this information will only prevent you from interacting with nearby game players, but will not affect your normal use of other functions of this game. You can also cancel your geographic location permission authorization at any time.
◆ When you use the function of taking pictures and uploading pictures, we will obtain your camera permissions, and the iOS device may also obtain album permissions and photo permissions, and collect the picture information you provide to provide personalized services for spatial image display. Refusal to provide the above information will only prevent you from using this function, but will not affect your normal experience of other functions. You can also deauthorize your camera permissions at any time.
◆ When you use the voice function, we will obtain your device microphone permission and collect your voice information to provide social function services in the form of voice. Refusal to provide this information will only prevent you from using this function, but will not affect your normal experience of other functions of the game. You can also deauthorize your microphone permission at any time.
◆ When you use the social function, we will obtain your device address book permission, and collect relevant address book information (including contact names and corresponding contact information, address book friend list) to provide display, recommendation, and friend invitation services . Contact information is sensitive personal information, please carefully consider whether to authorize it. We will also treat your address book information with the utmost care and care (including strong encryption protection). Refusal to provide this information will only prevent you from using this feature, but will not affect your normal experience with other features. You can also cancel your address book permission authorization at any time.
◆ When you use the game opening and testing reminder function, we will obtain your device calendar permission and collect your calendar information to provide a specific time reminder service. Refusal to provide this information will only prevent you from using this feature, but will not affect your normal experience with other features. You can also revoke your calendar permission authorization at any time.
◆ When you use the game somatosensory function, we will obtain your device sensor permissions and collect device-related sensor information to accurately measure the device's rotation, translation and other movements to provide a better gaming experience. Refusal to provide this information will only prevent you from using this function, but will not affect your normal experience of other functions of the game. You can also deauthorize your sensor permissions at any time.

APP3 In order to identify user equipment, ensure network operation security, better adapt to the game, and improve user experience, when you log in to the game with a mobile device, we will collect your mobile phone model, system type, system version, device screen size, etc. Parameter information.

APP4 In order to ensure the security of your game account and create a fair and healthy game environment, we will collect your game identification information, process and game crash records and other information to detect piracy, scan plug-ins, and prevent cheating.
How can we protect your privacy?
Taking your privacy seriously, Moblion employs administrative, physical and electronic measures to protect your information from identify theft or any unauthorized access. We do not, and will never, request your credit card information, your account ID, login password or national identification numbers in a non-secure or unsolicited communication, by means of email, telephone, mobile device, etc.
How does this Privacy Policy apply?
Our privacy policy applies only to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information that you may decide to provide to us in your use of: (i) our applications for mobile platforms or devices and our web applications accessible on third party social networking services, (ii)our web site, and web forum or messaging boards in our web site as well as other services.
What information do we collect?
When you use our services, we may ask you to provide certain personal information (such as your name, phone number, email address) that can be used to contact or identify you. Additionally, we also collect non-personal information such as viewing preferences.
When do we collect information?
We can collect your personal information from your registration on our services (for mobile phones or other mobile devices) as well as website cookies.
Why do we collect the information?
We collect the information to better understand user experience, level of interest, and ultimately to improve our services and provide a superior and personally relevant user experience.
How do we use your personal information?
We might use your personal information to develop and deliver our services, to contact your with announcements, to send important notice, to audit and analyze data for market research purpose, etc.

We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time, so please visit this page periodically to remain up-to-date as to any Privacy Policy changes. By accessing or using the our apps or services, you are indicating that you agree to be bound by the modified Privacy Policy. If this Privacy Policy is not acceptable to you, your only recourse is to cease using the services.

This Privacy Policy is primarily written in English. Any provided translation of this Privacy Policy is for purposes of convenience only and this English version shall govern to the extent of any iniconsistency. If you have any furhter questions, inquires, requests or complaints concerning this Privacy Policy or information practices, please contact us at
